MONA LISA Touch laser therapy

There are many possible reasons why women may feel discomfort in the intimate area. Among them, we can mention:

– difficult childbirth,
– unattractive anatomy of intimate areas,
– urinary incontinence due to pelvic floor muscle weakness,
– changes during menopause.

So far, severe defects and illnesses were treated exclusively with surgery. However, modern technologies have also entered these areas. More and more often, a laser is used in the place of a scalpel. With several decades of experience in laser technology, the Italian company DEKA has created the Mona Lisa Touch laser – designed to improve the quality of life of thousands of women around the world, like you, who have a small, embarrassing problem.


What distinguishes the Mona Lisa Touch laser treatment?

The name refers to the most famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci is not accidental. The Mona Lisa was considered a symbol of beauty and subtle femininity – ideals that all ladies strive for.

Mona Lisa Touch is a laser-based medical procedure designed to:
– vaginal modeling,
– elimination of the urinary incontinence problem,
– reconstruction of the mucosa of intimate areas,
– giving elasticity to the tissues of the sidewalls of the vagina.

Duration 20 to 30 minutes
Comfort The procedure is comfortable, performed in a lying or sitting position
Effect The effect after the first treatment
Anesthesia The procedure can be performed under anesthesia
Sick leave After the procedure, you can go to work
Training at a gym
Pool training
Relax in a sauna

Where can you make it

  • Medistica Osteomed
  • Medistica Medycyna + Piękno
  • Medistica Ginekologia + Płodność

How does Mona Lisa Touch Cracow work?

The laser is inserted into the vagina, where it directly shapes its walls. It gives their tissues elasticity and, at the same time, reduces the problem of urinary incontinence.

It stimulates the regeneration of the mucosa, making your intimate areas seem noticeably younger – and you along with them.

Thanks to the Mona Lisa Touch treatment, the vaginal mucosa regains its elasticity. Reduced is also the problem of urinary incontinence by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. The effects last up to 2 years after the treatment. You will return to complete the form up to 30 days after the treatment.

Why is it worth choosing the Mona Lisa Touch treatment at Medistica Medicine + Beauty?

Mona Lisa Touch is an effective method of getting rid of the problems in marital cohabitation, such as urinary incontinence, vaginal dryness, including dryness caused by menopause. You do not have to come to terms with these symptoms. You can change your life and rebuild passion in a relationship.

The treatment performed with a professional laser designed especially for women like you is a small and, at the same time, a big step towards a new era and the next stage of your life.

  • treatment of urinary incontinence
  • dissatisfaction with the appearance and shape of the labia and perineum
  • revitalization of external intimate areas
  • rehabilitation after childbirth
  • reduction of the labia
  • irritation of the intimate areas
  • pain on intercourse
  • vaginal dryness
  • pregnancy
  • tumors
  • period
  • intimate infections
  • Laser therapy – Mona Lisa Touch
    • Comprehensive treatment package: urinary incontinence & vaginal revitalization & treatment of atrophy (vaginal dryness) 2500 zł
    • Whitening of intimate areas 1500 zł
    • Labiaplasty (labia plastic surgery) 1500 – 9000 zł
    • Labiaplasty + Hoodoplasty (plastic surgery of the labia + plastic surgery of the clitoral foreskin) 7500 – 11000 zł
    Revitalization treatment MonaLisa package
    • One MonaLisa treatment (comprehensive treatment) 2290 zł
    • Two MonaLisa treatments (comprehensive treatments) 2990 zł
    • Three MonaLisa treatments (comprehensive treatments) 3500 zł
    • MonaLisa treatments (comprehensive treatment) + Tłumaczenie na język angielski: platelet-rich plasma Magellan 4290 zł
    • Three MonaLisa treatments + three PRF treatments 5900 zł
    • Three MonaLisa treatments + three PRF treatments + 10 BTL treatments 6900 zł